February 9, 2009

6th Picture

Fun idea!

1. Go to your pictures on your computer
2. Open the 6th folder
3. Choose the 6th picture
4. Show the picture on your blog and write something about it.
5. Invite 6 new people to this challenge.
6. Link to them and let them know they are challenged.

This is the 6th picture of my 6th folder on my computer. It is a closeup photo of an afghan that I made last year in colors that are similar to the team colors of the San Francisco 49ers. Haven't sold it, but then I haven't listed it anywhere either!

I challenge: Diane, Roberta Anne, Tammy, Gardner, Sissie and Lesa.


  1. Yikes!
    Tagged twice in two day. I have blogs planned for about a week but I will put this on my list. I hope I get a good photo and not some furry out of focus one as I have more of them.
    Roberta Anne

  2. WOW! Roberta Anne gave me award today too! What wonderful day for me! Thank you Marie Anne! Love you!


  3. Hey lady! I got the award message first, so I'm doing it today. Will do the picture tomorrow!

    Now, I'm stopping by to tell you I've nominated your blog for an award! Stop by my place later and get the details. I love reading about your projects and seeing the finished products! I love your blog!


  4. I love the scarf and the charity. Do you have a link to the pattern? I'd like to make some for her.
