March 2, 2012

She's Dead, Jim

After a lot of thought, I've made the decision to give my weekly WIP Wednesday blog theme a proper burial.

I was spending considerable time creating the posts, offering free exposure to my readers, but few took advantage of it and it's just not worth my time anymore.  Many weeks I had only one faithful reader posting her link, and most weeks there were three or less.  I can't justify spending the time to do it each week if it's not going to bring more readership to this blog, nor benefit the faithful few.

I'll still be posting my projects, but won't be doing it on any particular day.  I'm going to devote more time to visiting the blogs I'm following and make a concerted effort to be more sociable, at least a few times each week if not daily.

Thanks to all of you who have posted faithfully to my WIP Wednesday posts each week, and I hope you'll still stop by and say hi!

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