January 2, 2010

Grannies for Goals

My sweet friend Melody over at Hooking Stitches came up with a most wonderful way to keep on track with her weight loss (and other) goals. She's making a small granny square in a specific color for each weight loss increment and will stitch together a beautiful blanket to celebrate her victory, and as a reminder of God's help every pound of the way.

See how Melody is doing it here.

I'm going to join her on this journey and encourage any of you to come along for the ride. If losing weight isn't one of your resolutions, you could make small grannies for other goals too, such as a square for each day without a cigarette. Be creative!

If you're up for the challenge, link to this post on your blog and let's get this going viral. Keep me posted on your progress and I'll update it monthly (or more often if warranted), with links to your blog posts.

I've lost 28 lbs since Oct so I've got some catching up to do, but knowing what each square represents will be worth it.

Click here to see what I've started.


  1. That is a really great idea! Thanks. Maybe I should do that but I am not sure I would ever end up with a blanket...lol. Hope you have a wonderful New Year and meet all your goals.

  2. Cool idea!
    Great job on your weight loss too!

  3. Awesome idea!! Love it...going to check out Melody's blog & post now. Good luck sweety!

    Hugs, health & happiness,
    Anita, a Knitting Junkie!

  4. That is a great idea!
    Your blog makes me want to start crocheting again :)
