February 9, 2010

WIP Wednesday - New Baby Blanket

To play along on Work-in-Progress Wednesday, make your blog post for Wednesday be about something you're working on - some type of craft, renovation project, landscaping, even that novel you're writing. Copy the code below Rosie's picture and paste it into your blog post so that others can follow too, and see the rest of the projects that are posted here.

Make sure to click 'You are next' below to add your name so others can follow it to your blog post.

** Note ** Several of you are signing up at the bottom but you’re not putting the WIP Wednesday link on your own blog. If you don’t, your post really has no meaning because your readers won’t be lead back here to see what others are doing and hear what WIP Wednesday is all about. It’s not hard, just copy the code beneath the photo above and paste it into your blog post. If you’re having trouble, please let me know and I’ll try to walk you through it.

You guessed it - more granny squares! I told you that I was going a bit crazy with the granny squares since I learned this new method of joining them.

I never did find the completed baby blankets that I put away, so I had to start another. This one will be for a great-niece that had a baby girl a few days ago.

Here's what the square looks like before joining.

I think the flat braid join method really
adds a nice border to the whole thing.

The colors don't show up as well as I'd like, but it is a dark pink/rose color and medium gray with a white center and joined with white. I think the colors look well together, and sure hope she likes it.


(don't forget to click on 'you are next' below to add your link, and also click the names to see what others have done)


  1. This is so cute. All 3 of my girls have blankets that my husband's aunt crocheted for them.

  2. VERY pretty! I love the color combination, and as I've said before I never would have thought to add gray to the mix. Very creative!
