July 18, 2010

Back in Business - For Veterans and Others

I'm still making afghans for veterans at my local VA hospital in Chillicothe and had made contact with one of the nurses on the ward to deliver them.  I have since found out that anything donated has to go through the volunteer office, so I'll back off until I can go through proper channels.

I want to volunteer in other ways so I'm signed up to go to a volunteer meeting in Aug.  After that class they'll allow me to visit the wards personally to bring my afghans - how cool is that?  Can't wait to see what other volunteer opportunities I can get involved with.

Please take a moment to read this post at one of my other blogs.  Writers are banding together to help others less fortunate, and reading any of the articles is one way you can help.  I personally will be donating a portion of my profits every month to a charitable organization in my county.  I bought some non-perishable food the other day that I'll bring to the food pantry this week, but hope to focus on veteran's services in my area too.

By reading any of my articles you're helping me to continue to buy yarn for my donations, and otherwise give money or food as I can.  If you enjoy my free crochet patterns on this blog, please pass the links to your friends (please don't just copy or print the pattern to give to them - it's not nice!).

I'll also be starting back up with my WIP Wednesday posts and hope you'll join along.  You've got three days notice, so go get some pictures of the project you're working on and watch for my post on Wednesday!

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