September 14, 2010

New Granny Squares Put Together

I changed the way I'm showing the links to your blogs.  They've added the option to use a photo to click to get to the blogs instead of a text link, and I kinda like that.  Would you rather have it this way or the old way with just the link to click instead of the photo thumbnail?  (click the link in the next paragraph to see last week's entry with the photo thumbnails at the bottom to see what I'm talking about).

I shared a new granny square pattern I was working on last week and thought I'd give you a peek at what it looks like when put together with the flat braid join method.

 I like the way the flat braid join makes it like an
extra row or two for an added punch of color.

It has Jethro's stamp of approval too!

I've made a bunch of these granny squares and the pattern works for me, but I'm still waiting on one more person to test it before I share the pattern. Hopefully that'll be in the next few days and I'll post the free pattern by next week.

To play along on Work-in-Progress Wednesday, make your blog post for Wednesday be about something you're working on - some type of craft, renovation project, landscaping, even that novel you're writing. You can play along even if it’s not Wednesday; I leave each WIP up until the following week. Copy the code below Rosie's picture and paste it into your blog post so that others can follow too, and see the rest of the projects that are posted here.

Make sure to click 'You are next' below to add your link here so my readers can follow it to your blog post.

** Note ** Several of you are signing up at the bottom but you’re not putting the WIP Wednesday link on your own blog. If you don’t, your readers won’t be led back here to see what others are doing and what WIP Wednesday is all about. It’s not hard, just copy the code beneath the photo above and paste it into your blog post. If you’re having trouble, please let me know and I’ll try to walk you through it.


  1. I really do like the squares this way. It gives them a whole new look.

  2. Love the color scheme you used. It is so delicate and girlie. Take care...

  3. Oh, your Granny Squares in lavender and purple are so pretty. I love your doggies, too. We have a lovely male Choc Lab and had 2 precious Jack Russells who passed away 3 and 2 years ago :(
    I found you thru reading at Crochet Galore. Thanks for hosting this. I'll go write my post and be right back ;) Bye for now~

  4. mine is up for the week, and heading to check out the others.

  5. I do love the colors you used. And the joining method you used looks so good with your squares. :)

  6. I like the photo links and I need to try and update my WIP. Not sure if it will happen tonight though.

  7. It looks beautiful Marie Anne. I love the colors and the pattern is really pretty. It is a nice change from the traditional!
