February 1, 2019

One Monthly Goal for February - My First Linkup With OMG!

Since I'm determined to keep this blog fresh and moving along, I've been finding other blogs to follow and even link up with.  Patty at Elm Street Quilts hosts a monthly linkup where we share a goal that we want to complete by end of month, then link up again at the end of that month if we've met the goal.  The One Monthly Goal (OMG) looks like fun, and should help keep me moving forward.

I've been working on my first hand-pieced quilt top - this one that features an owl print with coordinating mish-mash of four patch blocks - and my goal for February 2019 is to finish it by end of month.

The last row in this pic is just pinned, so I need to sew that, piece together and add another row of yellow/blue polka dot sashing, one more row of blocks, and the final sashing below that.

I'm not sure if I'm going to put another border around it or not and even if I do, I might not be able to handle that here in the hotel (yes, I'm still displaced from Hurricane Florence over four months ago), so my goal is to finish cutting, marking, and hand piecing the main blocks and sashing by February 28.

Now that I look at it again, I think I will have to put another border on it, or re-do the yellow sashing on the outside, as putting the binding around that with the blue polka dot blocks mixed in might look a little strange without a row of something more solid around it first. Hmm, what to do,what to do.  I really didn't want this quilt to be much bigger, so I might have to rip out the outer yellow sashing (or at least the polka dots) after all.  Oh well, I have the full month (albeit a shorter one) to decide and get it done, so it should still be fine

Don't forget to come back to see if I met my goal for February!

~ Marie Anne


  1. I am anxious to see what you decide. It is a very happy quilt!

  2. Love the bright & perky colors. Family challenges for the last 2 years have put a crimp in my stitching time, so the OMG & UFO challenges have been great to help getting me back on track! I'm also enjoying the Hand Piece QAL. I agree, add the border. It will look very nice.

  3. Hi Marie Anne! I am so sorry to hear you are still in a hotel after four months. Goodness. Your quilt top is lovely, and this seems like a very doable goal. I have been linking up with Patty's monthly OMG for over a year now, and have found it just enough of a motivation to get some projects complete. I'll be happy to encourage you on! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Fun quilt top - glad you found the link-up. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  5. This is a delightful quilt, Marie Anne. It looks bright and cheerful, especially with the yellow sashing and aqua cornerstones. Wishing you all the best in meeting your February goal!
