October 5, 2010

Crochet Dishcloths From My Favorite Easy Pattern

I decided to pull out the cotton yarn and work on some dishcloths to put in my shop on Etsy.  I mentioned it on Facebook and a couple of friends already said they want some, so that's what I've been working on the last few days.  I've got enough finished to almost fill their order and once I have the ends tied in, I'll take (hopefully) better photos and get them listed.

I had some of the basic colors of cotton on hand, but I bought the peachy color (listed as Tea Rose) and the pea green (Country Green) the other day and really like them and will likely buy more.  I wish more colors of kitchen cotton yarn were available locally on cones instead of having to buy the small ball each time.  I refuse to buy online and pay the high shipping cost.

These dishcloths are from my own pattern, that can be found here.

What's your favorite dishcloth pattern?

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  1. They look really great. They have a nice border. There are a lot of patterns out there that have an unfinished look. Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  2. That's a great pattern, Marie, I'll have to try it out. What kind of cotton do you use for the washcloths? I am still trying out different brands, and looking for any kind of hint.

  3. Oh, I like your pattern. Been looking for a good dishcloth pattern to use for Christmas gifts. Thanks for posting it!

  4. Im gonna have to trry this pattern.
    those look very pretty

  5. I love making dish cloths. That is mostly what I list for sale on Etsy. Maybe one day I will try your pattern.

  6. mine is up....Wednesday is Steve's day off, so since I have to use his computer for my postings I have to run him off for awhile to get it done.

    I love the way your dishclothes look. My cotton washclothes are one of my best sellers online, but I sure like the looks of yours better.

    I will have to try your pattern. But, of course, not try to sell them as you are already selling them made with it.

  7. Hi Marie! LOVE all your dishcloths, and the gorgeous colors you've worked them with!!! Have a great day, and thank you for hosting WIP Wednesday! ~tina

  8. Love your dishcloths!! I am going to have to try out your pattern. Thank you for sharing the pattern.

  9. Those dishcloths are very cute!

  10. great blog, I love crochet too. And have written many articles for things on hubpages and infobarrel thanks for sharing these patterns cheers eileen
