October 12, 2010

Kitchen Cotton Yarn Galore!

I mentioned in last week's WIP Wednesday post that I started working on dishcloths to list on Etsy and two friends had already placed orders.  I whipped out a few more in different colors and got the listings up and two more friends ordered some, and an acquaintance on Twitter bought two more sets of four.  I'm crocheting dishcloths in my sleep!  (You can see my Etsy shop on the right sidebar).

I still have plenty of cotton yarn left but needed more colors so off I went to WalMart this morning.  I had red on hand, but wanted to get the dark green and the red/green/white variegated to crochet some dishcloths in Christmas colors, and I also picked up some brown.  I wish they had more colors available in the cones as it's so much cheaper, but I grab what I can.

So here's my stash of kitchen cotton yarn, standing at the ready to be fashioned into durable dishcloths with a few slips of the fingers.

Sage and Purple/Sage Variegated Cotton Yarn

Cotton Yarn in Christmas Colors

Ecru and Brown Cotton Yarn

All Colors of Cotton Yarn I Have Available - That's a LOT of Dishcloths
So ... what're you working on?

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  1. I love these pictures of all your yarn. I love the cones. My husband made me a stand to put my cones on so that they spin. Nothing fancy, but it sure makes it nice to work with. Blessings!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of cotton - you lucky duck! Enjoy!
    Caz :)

  3. You have a lot of pretty cottens. :) Sure will make a lot of pretty dishcloths.

  4. Okay, I like that Sugar and Cream yarn, too, for washcloths. I have a small stash of that, but I need a few more, because I'm making some washcloth/bath mitt sets for Christmas presents.

  5. it's a real savings buying the cotton yard in the big things! I got one on clearance at Wal Mart for $5. I lost count of how many washcloths I've crocheted out of it!

  6. p.s. Do you know how to contact mommaof3? Her profile is private...she left me a comment that I had won her giveaway and I'm not sure that me replying to that comment actually went to her :( I don't know what her blog is!

  7. I love buying the cones as well but they are so difficult to find (except at WM) and such few colors actually available. I bought quite a bit at Michael's a week ago when they had it on sale.

  8. gorgeous colors! Can't wait to see the finished stack of dishcloths!

  9. she left me a comment that I had won her giveaway but her profile is private so I can't see what her blog is!
