January 29, 2019

Ugly Fabric Quilt Top Update for WIP Wednesday

When we started the hand piecing QAL last week, I couldn't wait a full week for the release of the second block, so turning into a hand-piecing maniac, I started working on another project from these ugly fabrics.

I started off making a couple of 16 patch blocks like block #1 in the quilt along, but because the pieces are so small (2" squares unfinished), I didn't want to make the whole quilt top from that one block.  I made a couple of 4 patch blocks and they were much easier to work with (again, I'm hand piecing here since I don't have my sewing machine here in the hotel).  I think I might continue with that, and maybe a mix of HST and QSTs too (half square and quarter square triangles), but no real tiny ones.

I don't have a real layout in mind yet, just going to make a few of each type of block in the various colors and see where it takes me.  I'm still pretty new to all this (both quilting in general and hand piecing), so I figure whatever I end up will be good enough for me and the dogs to snuggle up under, if nothing else.  I don't worry about aesthetics when it's cold, and I know they sure won't care!

So ... what're you working on?  Link up below!

~ Marie Anne

To link up with WIP Wednesday, make a blog post about something that you're working on - any type of craft, DIY, renovation project, landscaping - even that novel you're writing.  Link your blog post by clicking on 'click here to enter' below.  Make sure to link back to me in your blog post too!  (You can link up from Pinterest and Instagram too!).

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Creative Grids 60° Triangle 8 1/2 Creative Grids 60° Triangle 8 1/2"
Cut 30 and 60 degree angles up to a finished height of 8". This 60 degree equilateral triangle features easy to read black and white markings. A 1/4" dashed line is printed on each side of the center vertical line so you can cut 30 degree triangles that include the seam allowance. The ruler slides easily over the fabric until pressure is applied. Then, our exclusive gripper holds the fabric in place while cutting, eliminating slipping and miss-cuts! Size: 8 1/2" x 10 1/4". Carolyn Vagts, editor of Quilter's World magazine says, "Creative Grids rulers are so easy to read and come in many different sizes. It doesn't matter what color fabric you are cutting, you can see the measurements. The built-in grippers will help prevent sliding rulers and mis-cuts."

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